Viigo is a way to access content and services on your mobile device that's better than anything you've ever experienced. Viigo lets you discover and access the best of the Internet's content and services in an intuitive, fast, made-for-mobile format so compelling, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

Free, one-click access - to Breaking News, Sports, Entertainment, Weather, Market Performance, Traffic Alerts, Blogs, and any RSS Feed - designed to make navigating your day effortless.An enhanced and simple mobile experience - view, manage, and consume information your way, in a format that's tailored for your device.A ton of useful content and services - more than 3,000 channels to choose fromPractically effortless - you choose how and when you want your content and services delivered; it's updated in the background and instantly available the minute you want it…whether you've got connectivity or not.
Channel Library - 5,000 channels to choose from, all just a thumb click away.Package Tracking - Track packages from UPS, USPS, FedEx, and DHL.Entertainment - Follow the latest fashion, gossip, Hollywood stars, and Magazines.Sports Updates- Get up-to-the-minute sports scores (NHL, NBA, PGA, and more).Share the News - Forward interesting articles to contacts in your address book.Import Custom Feeds - Customize your channel list by importing your favourite channels.Weather - Take the weather with you.Keyword Alerts - Real-time alerts when keywords you’ve selected appear in your channels.Web Readers - Synchronize with popular Web readers such as Google or Yahoo.
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